What is the difference between Neon Tetra and Cardinal Tetra?

What is the difference between Neon Tetra and Cardinal Tetra?

KnowledgeMark Chinnery

The cardinal tetra is a freshwater fish of the family Characidae of order Characiformes. It is native to the upper Orinoco and Negro Rivers in South America. The cardinal tetra lives in slow-moving waterways that are heavily shaded by rainforests and other thick vegetation.

Fantasy Fish AI: Golden Blue Acara

Fantasy Fish AI: Golden Blue Acara

Real AquaticsMark Chinnery
As anyone who has tangled with AI to produce specific blogs images or text will know, in its current form and without the correct prompting AI doesn't always quite produce what you need. We'll persevere and publish the most interesting examples!
Why do you need to keep an Aquarium clean?

Why do you need to keep an Aquarium clean?

KnowledgeMark Chinnery
Remember to perform partial water changes, vacuum the substrate and clean decorations to maintain a healthy aquatic environment!
Got Plecs? Join our Facebook Community

Got Plecs? Join our Facebook Community

AnnouncementsMark Chinnery
The plecostomus, also known as the pleco is a freshwater species of armored catfish belonging to the Loricariidae family. There are more than 150 species of plecos identified today.
Did you know we also have an Aquatic Supplies website?

Did you know we also have an Aquatic Supplies website?

DiscountsMark Chinnery
Here you will find a vast range of products and accessories, including aquarium fish tanks, fibreglass ponds, garden water features, fish food and much, much more!